Alfred Kinsey TCF Sexual Sabotage Quotes

Alfred Kinsey TCF Sexual Sabotage Quotes

Here are forty-two excerpts from Dr. Judith Reisman’s book: “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America.” That man was Alfred Kinsey, an in-the-closet homosexual. This is another solid proof of the false foundation of the LGBTQ+ Movement.

Two VERY Different Definitions of “Diversity”

Two VERY Different Definitions of “Diversity”

The 1st definition of ‘Diversity’ is the University of Oregon’s agenda-driven definition (i.e. substitute Homosexuality for ‘Diversity’) saying that we should ‘celebrate diversity (homosexuality); and the 2nd definition recognizes that Diversity is a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement, and … a destructive weapon … that attacks traditions and institutions

Alfred Kinsey TCF Sexual Sabotage Quotes

Alfred Kinsey TCF Sexual Sabotage Quotes

Here are forty-two excerpts from Dr. Judith Reisman’s book: “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America.” That man was Alfred Kinsey, an in-the-closet homosexual. This is another solid proof of the false foundation of the LGBTQ+ Movement.

Two VERY Different Definitions of “Diversity”

Two VERY Different Definitions of “Diversity”

The 1st definition of ‘Diversity’ is the University of Oregon’s agenda-driven definition (i.e. substitute Homosexuality for ‘Diversity’) saying that we should ‘celebrate diversity (homosexuality); and the 2nd definition recognizes that Diversity is a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement, and … a destructive weapon … that attacks traditions and institutions

Featured Videos

Thirty-minute exclusive interview with Dr. Scott Lively; plus thirty-minute overview of 36-plus TCFamily Street Outreaches through early August 2018; highlighting TCAPS’ Sex-Ed Curriculum; Homosexual Mayor Jim Carruthers’ “looking out for the citizen’s health & welfare”; ‘Up North Pride’ F&M Park Picnic; and 3 assaults during the 2018 TCFF.

The Best of the Truth Academy About Homosexuality 

David Pilgrim – Ferris State University Vice-President and curator of the FSU Jim Crow Museum – has an informal debate with Bill Wiesner ( Founder), on the topic of homosexuality.

Local Northwest Michigan Speaker: Bill Wiesner ( adds the following 14 min of LOCAL Northwest Michigan Commentary on the end of the NATIONAL Week 9 of “Truth Academy about Homosexuality”